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Vernon Volumes text

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Snacks, Soccer, and Games at Grandpa and Grandma's House


Yesterday, we had Connor drive over to Grandma and Grandpa's house. We brought Millie Mae and Paige along, and it was a bit stressful on the drive since it was pouring rain while we were on the highway. Connor made a nice defensive driving move to avoid an accident when someone swerved into his lane, and he did a nice job to move out of the way without over correcting and losing control. 

At the house, we watched Denmark and Germany play in the Euro Cup and we decided to set up Grandpa's phone on the TV so we could get a pic of everyone. While he was trying to figure out the timer, I hit the shutter button a few times and got some funny reaction pics.

We played 5 Crowns together, which was a new game for us and it's always funny having Grandma try and explain rules to us as we go along. It was a perfect game to play while watching soccer, and I almost won, but Grandpa snuck in and took the crown in the end. 

New Golf Cart - Evolution D5 Maverick 4

This past weekend, Andrea and I went to lunch in Amelia Island to test drive a type of golf cart we were interested in. 

Our old golf cart's served us well since 2016, but the batteries have been dying and filling them up with water is always a pain in the butt. I called around to price out new batteries, and the regular battery replacement was $1220 while the Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO 4) batteries would be around $2982. We were not thrilled to spend money on our old cart, especially since nobody ever wants to sit backwards in the back seats. We looked at GEM cars, but they were super expensive and there really weren't any dealers nearby for us to test drive with. 

We were interested in the Maverick after Andrea found it and it checked all of our boxes on paper. It had the Lithium battery we wanted, four seats that faced forward, an adjustable steering wheel, and it sat up a little higher than our old one. We enjoyed our test drive, and although the place where we did the test drive didn't have the color we wanted in stock, we found a place in St. Augustine that did. They dropped off the new cart, and took our old one back to their shop to replace the batteries, and hopefully to sell it on consignment. 

The new cart's not perfect, it has a couple issues that need to be fixed, but the dealer has assured us they'll take care of it. There are a couple of scratches, and the rear view camera goes staticy occasionally. We've enjoyed driving it around the neighborhood so far, and Paige especially likes to get the driving practice. We're a little worried we're going to get in trouble with her behind the wheel, but hopefully with her parents in the car, we won't have any problems. 

 Good bye old friend!

Sadie's Sleepover and Photoshoot

Sadie came over on Thursday after volunteering with Paige and Andrea at the Hope Lodge. The girls decided to put on some cute outfits to do Tik Toks and a photoshoot. They were using their phones for the pics and I let them take the Nikon. They got some cute pics before it got too dark out.

Millie Mae loves swimming with the girls, and she was very interested in what they were up to, so I let her sleep with them too. Millie hogged the bed and Paige snapped a pic of her sprawled out horizontally. They complained about poor Millie, but they liked having her around and Millie was happy to be included.

Summer Lunches with Paige and Millie Mae

Andrea and I had conflicting schedules that week, so surprisingly we didn't get to go to lunch together once. I went at odd times because of meetings and appointments, and thankfully I was still able to bring along a couple of my favorite girls. It was super hot and humid this week, but we survived.

At Trasca, they had a cute rainbow wing wall and both my girls posed so nicely for pics. We may have used a little photoshop magic to make Millie's picture work.

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Camp Pinnacle 2024 - Paige

This summer was Paige's fifth time to Camp Pinnacle, and she's been looking forwards to it since the moment she left last year. She was excited that her good friend Kahla from 2022 was signed up and would be in her cabin, Tallulah. Paige enjoyed hanging out with Kahla again, and she also made a good friend in Koko, who she'd met in previous summers, but hadn't had in her cabin. Koko and Paige became very close, and they had a group of six girls in their cabin that gravitated towards each other and did a lot together. 

When Paige is away at camp, our favorite part of the day is to check the Campanion app to see what Paige has been up to. The weather was fairly ideal this year and Paige had lots of sunshine and was able to enjoy the cooler North Carolina weather, but it was still warm enough to enjoy fun in the water.

The pics that we receive are always awesome, but this year was extra special because Paige took our old Canon camera with her to camp. Electronics aren't allowed, but cameras are an exception, and Paige got a lot of great pics and videos too. Koko liked playing with the camera so we ended up with quite a few pics with Paige in them. 

Paige flew home on June 20th, and we had to pay for the unaccompanied minor fee. Everything worked out nicely and Andrea picked her up at the gate safe and sound. We are so happy Paige enjoyed her summer camp again, and she's already begged us to let her go back next year. We told her that we'd plan on it, and she's already counting down the days until next summer.